Jonathan S. Fletcher, Ph.D.
President, IMS Quantum Corp.

Dr. Fletcher was born in Wilmington, Delaware on September 28, 1946 to Gertrude Park and Robert Sturtevant Fletcher. At the age of five he moved to Aiken, South Carolina where he attended both public and private schools, graduating from Aiken Senior High School in June 1964.

Dr. Fletcher earned a BA in Chemistry from the University of the South in 1968 and an MS in Geology from the University of South Carolina in 1972. He spent over two years in a Ph.D. program in geochemistry at the Pennsylvania State University before moving into Mineral Economics, in which he earned a Ph.D. in 1981. He specialized in the financial valuation of mineral properties and the analysis of world mineral commodity markets.

From 1977 to 1979 Dr. Fletcher worked for the Union Carbide Exploration Corporation, first as Assistant to the Vice President and then as Manager of Project Evaluation. From 1980 to 1981 he taught courses in the Mineral Economics Department of the Pennsylvania State University on mineral property valuation and mineral industry management.

While in Denver from 1982 to 1985, Dr. Fletcher did consulting work in the petroleum industry in the area of oil and gas project evaluation and exploration program assessment. During this period he was President of Vacu-Press International, a company that manufactured a piece of oil field production equipment, and taught courses on the petroleum industry for the Center for Management Development of the University of Denver.

After returning to his home state of South Carolina in 1985, Dr. Fletcher taught a number of college level courses in management and earth science and helped to initiate a Masters in Earth Resource Management program at the University of South Carolina. During this time he specialized in the application of systems theory to management and developed techniques for the practical application of systems theory to a wide variety of organizational budgeting, planning and decision-making issues.

In 1987 Dr. Fletcher founded Integrated Management Systems, Inc., as a planning resource to businesses, government agencies and professional organizations. The development and implementation of Integrated Planning Models and Integrated Management Systems were the cornerstones of this effort. These tools were designed to allow those involved in planning at the highest level of complex organizations to see immediately the relationships between market, financial and operational factors that influence the success of the enterprise. The critical issue for many businesses is the meaning of numbers.

In 1998, to emphasize this focus on quantification, Integrated Management Systems, Inc. changed its name to IMS Quantum Corporation. As President, Dr. Fletcher continues to help organizations implement budgeting, planning, and management systems in a variety of industries and government settings. IMS Quantum has developed Integrated Planning Models for the manufacturing supply industry, software development area, healthcare sector, the apparel industry, forestry, energy and mineral products industries, academic institutions, a state port authority, and the U. S. Navy.

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